HOUSTON - According to a November 28, 2007 press release issued by Governor Rick Perry's Office, Associate Family Court Judge David D. Farr has been appointed the take over the 312th district court bench vacated by Hon. James D. Squier, who decided to become one of several contenders for the 22nd Congressional District. Jim Squier (not Squire) resigned effective September 22, 2007 to campaign full-time as a Republican family-values candidate.
See Jim Squier's recently-launched campaign web site. More on Judge David Farr and his campaign to stay on as elected judge of the 312th Family Court.
Divorce Court Vacancy in Harris County Family Law Center filled:
Gov. Appoints David Farr as 312th Judicial District Court Judge
AUSTIN - Gov. Rick Perry appointed Judge David D. Farr of Houston as presiding judge of the 312th Judicial District Court, one of nine state family district courts in Harris County, for a term to expire at the next general election.
Farr previously served as associate judge of the 257th Judicial District Court, another state district court hearing family law cases in Harris County and located in Downtown Houston. He is a member of the Houston Bar Association and the State Bar of Texas, Military Law and Family Law sections. He is also a member of the Texas Aggie Bar Association and the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets Association. Farr is an attorney who is board certified in Family Law and also serves as an adjunct professor at South Texas College of Law. [Family district court judges must be lawyers, and thus members of State Bar, but are not required to be board-certified in family law]
Farr received a bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University and a law degree from Texas Southern University (TSU). He succeeds Judge James D. Squier of Houston, who served in 312th District Court for 20 years and is now running for Congress.
does that mean we would have to start over with court
No you would just keep the same spot just with a new Judge. This one is great! Make sure you vote for him in the next election. I hear his "maybe" opponent is a real unfair beast who has already fought with other sitting Judges.
no i dont think i could vote for anyone i just hope he ca help us with your court and let us be happy with your family
thank you
in the STATE of TeXAS THERE IS NOT grandmother rights and we been in court for 2 years now and all that money and time could have been used on the kids
why does a father have any rights when he kids mother dies please help me understand that please
Does anyone know how Farr feels about lesbian parents?
David Farr is a fraud. Just look into his military record and you will find he never served with units he claimed. The Texas National Guard has stated no records exist to support Farr's claims of "combat" service until he lost the 2008 election, when he had to volunteer to serve in Iraq for a job. His campaign is in violation of DOD directives. He also doesn't follow the Texas or U.S. Constitution with his decision. He also doesn't support grandparents rights. He favors his "buddies" and friends with lucrative judgements. Nice to have a guy like this on the bench. But, that's just my opinion
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